Informaţia a fost confirmată de Darren Cahill, antrenorul Simonei. Într-o postare pe Twitter, Cahill a anunţat ca Simona se va pregăti pentru sezonul 2017 în Australia. „Noul transfer pentru pentru echipa feminină de fotbal australian Adelaide FC? Bună...
Dropcap the popularization of the “ideal measure” has led to advice such as “Increase font size for large screens and reduce font size for small screens.” While a good measure does improve the reading experience, it’s only one...
Intro text we refine our methods of responsive web design, we’ve increasingly focused on measure and its relationship to how people read. A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring...
Dropcap the popularization of the “ideal measure” has led to advice such as “Increase font size for large screens and reduce font size for small screens.” While a good measure does improve the reading experience, it’s only one...
Intro text we refine our methods of responsive web design, we’ve increasingly focused on measure and its relationship to how people read. A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring...
Dropcap the popularization of the “ideal measure” has led to advice such as “Increase font size for large screens and reduce font size for small screens.” While a good measure does improve the reading experience, it’s only one...
Intro text we refine our methods of responsive web design, we’ve increasingly focused on measure and its relationship to how people read. A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring...
Dropcap the popularization of the “ideal measure” has led to advice such as “Increase font size for large screens and reduce font size for small screens.” While a good measure does improve the reading experience, it’s only one...
Intro text we refine our methods of responsive web design, we’ve increasingly focused on measure and its relationship to how people read. A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring...